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We have reached out to 6 schools in Lagos, Nigeria. With over 6000 youths pledging to The World Changers Code. We have counselled over 200 students, one-on-one. We have impacted Teachers and Parents through our " Towards Effective Parenting and Mentoring" Public Enlightenment.



You can get Involved by:


  • Becoming a partner - supporting us financially

  • Becoming a volunteer - join us on the field, using your skills.

  • Joining in advocating for the youth, adopt and mentor one.

  • Joining in advocating for youth by standing up, lending your voice, writing and all you can against the sales of narcotics, alcohol to youths. Stand against gangsterism, crime and violence.

  • Advocating for the youth with all you have by standing for the sanctity of marriage and 'sex only in marriage.' Supporting with all you have the family union, it is the nurturing place for the youth.

  • Standing against premarital sex and all suggestive materials in songs, literature etc promoting it.

  • Promoting viable program and policies ensuring the safety of the youth today and in the future.

  • Being an ambassador ensuring the great future of the youth.


                                                                        Be a World Changer!!!

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